
Disc Baron is your one stop online disc golf shop and Grand Rapids disc golf store!

Welcome to Disc Baron! Our full disc golf inventory is online where you can choose from your favorite disc brands like Innova, Discraft, Discmania, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, Axiom, MVP, Streamline, Prodigy and Gateway. Virtually every disc is hand scaled in house and individually pictured. Disc Baron also has a great selection of disc golf bags, disc golf accessories, and permanent & portable baskets. Our disc golf apparel includes disc golf shirts and disc golf hats. Browse our expansive inventory online.

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New Products

Dirty Birdie Bird Sauce
Our Price: $10.00
Innova Discs Burst Logo INNsulated Water Bottle
Shipped: $20.00
Birdie Pro Disc Golf Board Game Expansion Pack
Our Price: $25.00
Max Disctance Disc Golf Retriever
Our Price: $100.00
Tacky Saks Hand Bag
Our Price: $15.00